Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Setting Default view to Monthly in My Outlook Calendar

My company recently updated our Exchange to 2007. Great - right? Well, for the most part, yes. However one thing that we noticed right away is that the functionality for the My Calendar web part changed for our My Sites.

In the past we were able to modify the default view of the My Calendar web part to a daily, weekly or monthly view. However, since the upgrade, we are no longer getting the option for monthly. After searching forever for a solution to this issue, I was stumped And then I read that the new version of Exchange did not support monthly views for OWA. Since OWA runs this web part, it would make sense that it was not displaying. (By the way, SP1 fixes this issue for OWA, but not for the SharePoint web part.)

In any case, we found that when we wanted to switch to a monthly view we still could (there is a handy button on the toolbar for this). However, we could not make this our default view. As you can see from the screen shot, there are only two options, and neither is monthly.So we had to find a workaround.

In the Mail Server Address section, add the name of your mail server address as usual. In the mailbox, use your regular mailbox address (yourname@yourcompany.com, for example and add to it the following string:


Once you do this, click OK and you will have your web part once again displaying a default view of monthly.

NOTE - On my site, I had to resize the calendar to get it to display. I left the width alone, but modified the height of the web part to 600 pixels and that seemed to work nicely.

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