For those of you who saw my post on how to add the incoming links to a wiki page for 2007, it linked to a page that described how to add a bit of code to a CEWP and have the pages that linked to the wiki page display on the page itself. This prevented you from having to browse to a different page to see this information.
The last time I looked, there was no update for SharePoint 2010, and I desperately needed it for a project I was working on. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a SharePoint Developer who was able to hack it out for me. He took the liberty of changing the reference to the Google jQuery Library to Microsofts Library.
He also added a few things like spacing the text from the left of the page, and the ability to change the font size. Hope this helps - it works like a charm for my project!
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
function addLinks(){
//get the url for the incoming links page
var starturl = SP.Utilities.Utility.getLayoutsPageUrl('BackLinks.aspx');
var builder = new SP.Utilities.UrlBuilder(starturl);
builder.addKeyValueQueryString('List', (new SP.Guid(_spPageContextInfo.pageListId)).toString());
builder.addKeyValueQueryString('ID', _spPageContextInfo.pageItemId.toString());
var u = builder.get_url();
//create a target container and load it with the incoming links
//filtered to show the links list only
var l = $("<div id='incomingLinks' style='border-top: solid 1px silver'>").load(u + " #MSO_ContentTable .ms-bodyareacell", function(){
l.css("font-size", "11pt").find("a").css("padding-left", "11px").css("font-size", "11pt");
//append the new container to the wiki content
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(addLinks, "sp.js");
This is awesome thanks. Saved me development time.